Trend Micro ha annunciato un possibile conflitto tra il loro motore DLP e alcune funzionalità dei browser Chrome e Edge a seguito degli aggiornamenti dei suddetti browser cha saranno rilasciate il prossimo 29 settembre.
Al momento, mentre stanno lavorando al rilascio di una soluzione, suggeriscono di disabilitare gli aggiornamenti automatici dei due browsers .
Vi terremo aggiornati su eventuali sviluppi
Trend Micro continues to test their products and features with 3rd party applications to ensure proper functionality. This article explains the possible functionality issues of Trend Micro Apex One and Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Data Loss Prevention (DLP) with Google Chrome version 106.0.5249.40 and Microsoft Edge September 29, 2022 release.
Google plans to release Chrome 106.0.5249.40 on September 27, 2022 while Microsoft will be releasing their updated build on September 29, 2022. Due to some changes in the new browser, Trend Micro Apex One and Worry-Free Business Security customers with DLP enabled may encounter website access issues and unmonitored HTTP/HTTPS DLP traffic with the mentioned browser version.
Trend Micro is currently working on a solution to address this concern though for now, customers are recommended to hold off browser updates until the final solution is released.
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